Friday, 28 May 2010

Quality time at CrossFit!!
“Fight Gone Bad”

Row (calories)
Wall-Ball Shots (20/12)
Sumo-deadlift High pull (75/50)
Box Jumps (20)
Push Press (75/50)

3 rounds for score*

Post score to comments

Compare to 11 JAN 10

Complete one minute at each station (5 minutes total per round). Then you will rest one minute between rounds. Repeating process two more times, 17 minutes total from start to finish. Score is calculated by counting reps at each station, calories burned on rower, and then adding together all three rounds.
11 Responses
  1. Michel

    Modified with 17 " box jumps
    I did 20" box jumps after the WOD. First time!! YES! PR today. Great work everyone! Have the best weekend!

    January 11 at 170 was:
    12 LB WBS
    55 LB SDHP
    45 LB PP
    14" Box Jumps

  2. CHauger

    For some reason I can't post this right. 3rd time is the charm.

    259 with 65# Push Press.
    Wallball shots were… well, they aren't my friend. Lets leave it at that.

  3. Anne

    245 (w/12" step-ups, 8-lb wall ball,12-lb for Sumo & PP). Two hours and counting… I can finally breathe again! What's is about "breathing being overrated!?" Great work everyone, especially the kids!!