Friday, 09 July 2010


21 Overhead Squats (95/65)
42 Pull-ups
15 Overhead Squats
30 Pull-ups
9 Overhead Squats
18 Pull-ups

For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 12 NOV 08
12 Responses
  1. Amber

    Stacy Says,

    Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and visits. I am doing well and thanks to crossfit the surgeon said my abs were tough to get through. Remember that Pain is just your appendix leaving your body.

  2. Jaime

    12:28 rx. yay
    Stacy sorry to hear that you did "emergency surgery for time" this weekend.Get well soon

  3. MP Jimmy

    Stay strong Stacy! Go CrossFit on the abs! True that on the pain! 🙂 Get well soon.

    Great work this am everyone! Lots of good PR's set! For some of ya, this was the first time doing the "Josh" WOD as posted. I hope you enjoyed it?!

    My time was 7:20 RX! PR by 42 seconds!!

  4. Susan

    Can't remember my time. But I did something right. Name a muscle and it's sore. A good sore. Lats check. Triceps/ biceps check. Quads check. Hand rip check.

    I'm ready for more!

    Stacy, rest and heal. You'll be back in no time!