Congrats to our 3 MPCF teams that competed at the comp this weekend! All three did amazing! And represent MP with glorious pride! A special thank you to all our MP family and friends that came out to show support and cheer on the teams. Your presence was noticed and enjoyed. Skill: 500m Row...Read More
Friday night class is cancelled this week due to Battle at the Ballpark competition. Come watch our three teams compete from 1640-2030. Conditioning: Battle at the Ballpark 2016 – scaled version 4-person team, 17:00 cap Athlete 1: 25 Toes-2-Bar, 100 Double Unders* 2 rounds of Fat Bar “DT”* (65/45) Athlete 2: 20 Toes-2-Bar, 75...Read More
Conditioning: Battle at the Ballpark 2016 WODs 5 & 6 4-person team WOD (2M/2F) “The Double Switch” (scaled version) M/F pair one completes the following, in order: 30 Calories Rowed 40 Wall-Ball Shots (14/10) at 10′ 50 Pull-ups 50 Box Overs (20″) 40 Front Squats (95/65) 30 Calories on Assault Bike M/F pair...Read More
On Saturday, 10 September 2016, MP will be hosting an event to support Autism. To participate, please visit the following to sign-up. Lift Up Autism MPCF will be closed Monday. We will be meeting at Memorial High School track at 0830. If you have not RSVP’d, do ASAP to Coach Jimmy. Conditioning: 4-person Team...Read More
On Saturday, 10 September 2016, MP will be hosting an event to support Autism. To participate, please visit the following to sign-up. Lift Up Autism Conditioning: 4-person Team Part 1 (M1/F1) (M2/F2): “You go, We go” 40 Synchronized Kettlebell Swings (53/35) / Static Dead Hang 40 Synchronized Wall-Ball Shots (14/10) @ 10′ / Handstand...Read More
Conditioning: 4-person Team WOD 6-minute AMRAP Max rep synchronized Pull-ups (M1/F1) Partner Deadlift hold (375) (M2/F2) Switch as often as desired. Pull-ups only count if Deadlift bar is held in full lockout by other co-ed team. …rest 2 minutes, then… Each member must perform the following in any team order, only 2 working...Read More
Conditioning: CrossFit Team Series Event 1 Scaled Version Females complete for time: 100 single-unders, each 75-calorie row, total 50 step-ups, total (20″) Then, males complete: 100 single-unders, each 75-calorie row, total 50 step-ups, total (24″) For Time (18:00 cap) …Rest 5 minutes, then… Find Team Total in: 2-rep Front Squat (18:00 cap) Flexibility:...Read More
Attention all MP’ers. It is time for a new shirt! So MPCF is having a T-shirt design competition. If you would like to enter a design idea, please turn in a hard copy (digital drawing, professional artwork, or just your freehand on a sheet of paper) by end of class Saturday, 13 August. Winner gets...Read More
Skate park crew! Conditioning 1: Choose a option: Solo – 1500m Row Partner – 2400m Row 3-Person – 3000m Row For Time Strength: Split Jerk 5 x 3 (60-70-75-80-85% 1RM) For Quality Conditioning 2: 100m Run 7 Front Squats (155/103) 4 Muscle-ups 4 rounds for time Mobility: Anterior...Read More