Black Friday WOD at 0900 only. Regular classes resume Saturday.
Join us this tomorrow, 25 Nov, for a FREE class at 0900!
No experience needed and everyone welcome!
“Black Friday”
Partner WOD
20 Clean and Jerks* (175/113)
40 Handstand Push-ups
600m Run (partner A only)*
80 Wall-Ball Volleyball Tosses* (20/16/14) @ 8′
200 Double Unders
80 Wall-Ball Sit-up Throws (20/16/14) @ 5m
600m Run (partner B only)*
40 Kettlebell Swings (72/52)
20 Deadlifts (325/213)
For Time
Compare to Friday, 25 November 2022
*Special instructions:
-Only one partner working at a time, except during the run/burpee portions.
-Squat C&J
-When one partner is running, the other is performing max rep burpees. If inclement weather, row 750m.
-WB Volleyball Tosses consist of partners facing other on either side of a 8′ target, partner A performs a WB shot throwing the ball over the target, and partner B catches, performs a WB shot and returns ball over the target. Each throw is one rep. If ball doesn’t make it over, rep does not count. If ball is dropped, both partners perform 5 penalty burpees.
-(Male/Co-ed/Female) Rx WB weights
Post results and experiences to comments
55 burpees as a team
53# C&J
20″ hspu box
Biked instead of run
10# WB throws
12″ box step ups
25″ kb swings
53″ DL
24:49, 88 burpees
Adjusted score 23:21 Rx
Sheesh that’s a tough one but I love it!!
RX. 31:13
76 burpees
singles on C&J
Sets of 5 on HSPU
Steady pace run and wall balls
About 130ish DU’s
Sets of 5 on KB swings and deadlifts.
This was a good burner, enjoyed the grind!
V&D 70+
28:54 we think
55 burpees
8# wallball
35 # C&J
85# DL
partner – Taylor
70 burpees
recovering from tweaked back- tried to play it safe entire WOD
83# C&J
20’ box HSPU
30 UB DUBS @ a time- feeling like these are improving!
43# KB
200# DL
24’ BOX HSPU ***