Friday, 15 September 2023

Join us for a FREE trial class today, Friday, September 15, at any class time!

NO fitness experience is needed!

Click the link below to register to compete or volunteer at:

Festivus Games October 2023




Max reps in 7:00 of:



For Score

Compare to Monday, 18 July 2022

*Athletes can face or be lateral to the bar but MUST use a 2-foot take-off.


…REST 10-15:00, then…


Max reps unbroken of:

Wall-ball shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)


For score

Compare to Friday, 23 April 2021



Post results and experiences to comments

4 Responses
  1. White Ape

    Strong work Apes!! Ape Strong!!

    Burpee Leaderboard:
    (m) = 55+ Master

    Sarah – 105
    Amber – 88
    Anniee – 86
    Jessica – 72
    Vernice (m) – 69
    Christie – 62
    Mindy – 60
    Beth (m) – 47
    Kim (m) – 43
    Megan Y. – ??

    FEMALE scaled:
    Michelle – 97
    Crystal – 25
    Megan M. (guest) – ??

    MALE RX:
    Ryan T. – 102
    Jimmy – 98
    Wade (m) – 91
    Kile – 89
    Robert (m) – 88
    John B. (m) – 84
    Steve (m) – 82
    Ron (m) – 76
    Hayden – 75
    Henry – 72
    Justin – 71
    Daniel – 70
    John G. (m) – 55
    Gene (m) – 44
    Clark (m) – 34

  2. White Ape

    Strong work Apes!! Ape Strong!!

    Wall-ball shots Leaderboard:
    (m) = 55+ Master

    Megan Y. – 85
    Sarah – 51
    Amber – 41
    Anniee – 33
    Jessica – 21
    Megan M. – ??

    FEMALE scaled:
    Mindy @ 10# – 22
    Christie @ 10# – 18
    Crystal @ 8# – 31
    Kim @ 8# – 10
    Vernice @ 6# – 30
    Beth @ 6# – 19

    MALE RX:
    Jimmy – 51
    Ryan Tietz – 50
    John B. (m) – 49
    Henry/Justin – 45
    Steve (m) – 42
    Kile – 30
    Robert – 27
    Wade – 16

    MALE scaled:
    Daniel @ 16# – 27
    Hayden @ 14# – 42
    Ron @ 14# (m) – 39
    John G. @ 12 (m) – 40
    Clark @ 8# (m) – 18
    Gene @ 4# (m) – 60

  3. White Ape

    Several lessons learned on my part today:
    1. Do NOT put two board WODs on the same day!!! Performing the wall ball WOD after the Burpee WOD, was a bad programming decision! I’ll fully take the blame for that mess up! Legs were toast after hammering out 7:00 of burpees!
    2. Better, more clear standards for WBS. (research underway now)
    3. Keep all negative talk out of my head! Throw up or pass out = ONLY two options! 🙂
    4. Do NOT run a 5k the day before these WODs!
    5. Do NOT try these WODs on the 5th day in a row of training!

    Other than those, I feel great! LOL!!!

    Everyone did a GREAT job! Congrats to all the PRs! And to all the first-timers! n APE Strong!!

  4. sflynn

    Strong work everyone!

    Happy with my 6 reps burpee PR but yea my legs were smoked. We will do the WBs again soon. Fresh. 🙂