Friday, 22 December 2023



Partner WOD

Complete as many rounds and reps, alternating exercises, in 5-minutes of:

16 Crossover singles

8 GHD sit-ups

4 Burpees


…Rest 3-minutes, then…


Complete as many rounds and reps, alternating exercises, in 5-minutes of:

2 Rope climbs

4 Goblet squats (72/53)

8/6 Calories biked


For Score



Every 90 seconds, perform 1 Back Squat*


For max load

*Weight starts at 28% of 1RM, increase by 10% for the first 12:00, then by 5% every set until failure



Post results and experiences to comments


  1. Shadowed Kile in the workout. It was good. 🙂
    Backsquat: 225#. PR tie! I’m always happy with that these days!

  2. WOD with Gene today!! We had fun!

    211# back squat PR!! Let’s goooo!

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