
March 11, 2016
Class starts at 0830 on Saturday. First heat starts at 0900. If you don’t know your heat time, contact Coach Jimmy.   2016 CrossFit Games Open WOD 16.3 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of: 10 Power Snatches* 3 Bar Muscle-ups**   *Weights: Rx: (75/55) 55+ and Teen 14-15 Rx:...
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Saturday class will be 2016 CrossFit Games 16.3 MPCF competition. If you are planning on attending, please write your name on the board.   Skill: Pick any three (3) skills on the “Athletic Skills Sheet” to work on   Conditioning: 3-person team WOD “Fab Friday” Row 1500m 75 Burpees 60 Front Squats (185/123) Row 1200m 60...
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