Monday, 23 March 2015

MP CrossFit Tulsa 032315



Clean and Jerk

5 reps @ 60% 1RM

4 reps @ 70%

3 reps @ 80%



“Running Man Dance”

200 Singles

50 Sit-ups

150 Speed Skips

25 V-ups

100 Double Unders

25 Back Extensions

150 Speed Skips

50 Army Rowers

200 Singles


For Time

Compare to Saturday, 02 August 2014



Couch Stretch – 2:00/side

Bilateral Shoulder Flexion – 2:00

T-Spine Smash – 2:00



Post load, time, and experiences to comments


  1. darrenandtara says

    15.4. 23 reps Rx.
    Not my best day.

  2. schumer says


    14:15 Rx

  3. RhondaG says

    15.4 Scaled
    104 reps

  4. White Ape says

    Quality work

    20:26 Rx+
    I was 99 burpees behind on the RHBC, so I mixed them in the WOD.

  5. Muffin Man says

    15.4: 32 reps. Rx. 1 more than last time. Should have broken up the HSPU more

  6. 15.4 again, scaled.
    98 reps (6 more than last time)

  7. darrenandtara says

    T. 15.4. 104 reps. Scaled.

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