“Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of: Double Unders Sit-ups For Time Post time to comments Compare to 03 DEC 10 or 16 OCT 10 CFE WOD: Choose a sport: Run, Row, Bike, Swim Run: 3 x (200m+400m+600m) Row: 3 x (250m+500m+750m) Bike: 3 x (1/2 mile+1 mile+2 mile) Swim: 3 x (50m+100m+200m) Rest between each distance the same amount of time it took you to do that given distance. I.E., run 200m in 35 sec, rest 35 sec; run 400 in 80 sec, rest 80 sec; run 600m in 120 sec, rest 120 rest; run 200m, etc. Post total time to comments
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