Wednesday, 30 January 2013



Fittest in OK Team WOD 3: Medley


WOD 1: 21-15-9 

Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)



WOD 2: 3 Rounds For Time 

11 Deadlifts (245/163)

11 Weighted Squats (45/25)

1/2/3 30m Weighted Shuttle Run (45/25)


WOD 3: 3 Rounds For Time

15 Hang Power Clean (155/103)

15 Toes to Bar


WOD 4: For Time

100 Double Unders + 2 Thrusters (110/73)

75 Double Unders + 4 Thrusters (110/73)

50 Double Unders + 8 Thrusters (110/73)

25 Double Unders + 16 Thrusters (110/73)


This WOD is done as a 4 person team. Each team member picks one WOD. Only one person from each team is working at a time. Person 1 completes WOD 1 then physically tags person 2 to begin their WOD and so on until all WODs are completed.


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