“Annie, are you OK?”
Row 500m at beginning of each round
21-18-15-12-9 rep rounds of:
Bumbell Thruster(35/25)
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High-pull (35/25)
Ball Cleans (20/12)
Wall-Ball Shots (20/12)
For Time
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Compare to 19 JUN 09
46:44 RX. 18 minute PR! Great job Robert, Jana, Lesley, and Mel!!!
Melanie said…
57:32/20 lb thrusters and high pulls/8 lb wall ball
WOW!!! What a work out!!!!! 🙂 THANKS, Jimmy, for all of your help on form!!!! Great job everyone!!! 🙂
I think I'm okay by now…that was quite a beating!
10 lb thrusters
35 lb high pulls
8 lb wall balls
Way to go Danny on such a HUGE PR and Jana for taking the top spot on the board!! Awesome job to all the 530s and 630s today!!
Erin, Jimmy and I did something different today since Erin didn't have time for an hour WOD, then go to work all sweaty and dead. Jimmy and I did Nasty Girls. I had some major mod in this WOD.
50 sq
7 MU (yeah right!!) I did 3:1 plu and burpees
95 lb hang cleans
3 rds
24 something for time. We're doing Annie are you ok on monday.
18 Mins! That's great! Congrats on all of the PRs this morning. Jana – When are you going to start posting on here? 🙂
46:49 – Modified – Skipped the '12 rep' round and did 20 lb Thrusters.
I arrived to MPCF this am with delusions of granduer!! I thought I would do this Rx..Wrong!! I picked those 25# DB and dropped them. No way…
46.31 with modifications
10# DB thrusters
35# SDHP
8# wall ball shots
12# ball cleans
OK…so what's the deal? I can do 45# bar thrusters w/o a problem. 25# DB thrusters were way beyond me. I couldn't do one.
I bow to all of you Rx'ers!! WOW!
I'm resting tomorrow.
52:32 rx. Could feel the bike ride from yesterday, legs were shaky.
10# thrusters
8# wall ball and cleans
I sure picked a week to be sick. AWESOME WORK ALL! AND DANNY – I am speechless with that PR. Cowabunga dude.
42:24 Rx and a 10 minute PR–I was a year and a half younger then too. Danny, great work–making my PR look trivial–and Jana–wow–top o' the board are you!
Melanie and Lesley great work too! Fitting that you say this work out just before chest compressions and mouth to mouth breathing.
3 rds : 15 deadlifts (135lbs) 12 HPC ( 85) 9 push jerks (65) 14:38
lol I did go to Backwoods sweaty but not so dead 😉
great job today everyone!
Bootcampers are doing awesome!!
Stacy says……
50:43 rx I agree with Amber, my legs were tired from yesterday's bike ride but that ride was sooo nice since the weather has cooled down. Great job Fred, Amber and Ginny!
I only made three rounds since I had to get to school. It was such a hard workout I forgot my time, 36 something. Congratulations to those of you who finished it!
I did "Nasty Girls"
Time: 11:00 RX
Not a PR, but we had a lady who came in looking for a doc's office, so I had to break my WOD to explain that there were none in our building. I was on my 3 rd when she came in. I had 3 MU's left, and had been doing at least 2 each time. After she left, I had 3 failed attempts!!!! :p
Everyone did great on "Annie, are you OK" today! I do have a confession. Jana, I failed you. You did not do it RX because even for females, KB SDHP's are 1 pood (35lb). I am sorry. I cut down two extra trees today for punishment. P.S. Erin, the trees were dead! :p
I look forward to rest tomorrow!
[…] Cleans (20/14) Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′) For Time Post time to comments Compare to 29 SEP 10 Filed Under: […]