Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Start’em early! 🙂

For Time

Run 200m
10 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
Row 250m
20 Toes-to-Bar
20 Tire Jumps (30/24)

4 rounds

Post time to comments

17 Responses
  1. Ginny

    I really miss working out with the 5:30 crowd..hopefully I can get back after the first of the month. I KILLED my back!

  2. Vernice

    WHO IS THIS LITTLE GUY??? He is so cute. I am not a Grandma yet but he sure makes me want to be one!
    Susan, after the August weddings maybe we can to do 'Becoming a Grandma for time'

    But really had to be on 'their time'

  3. Michel

    37:24 Had to modify some of it:
    1 " Band
    18" Tire Jumps
    35 K2E
    RX PU

    This rocked! Great work everyone.

  4. Danny

    30:47 RX'd. It's 4 hours post WOD for me and I am still trying to catch my breath. That was some kind of WOD. Great job everybody!

  5. Angela

    Awesome work this morning, all! Great to cool down and chat w/ Rhonda after the WOD 🙂

    40:50 w/ mods
    18" tire step ups
    1.5" PLU (that's down from 2"…yay!)
    knee PU
    50 SU

  6. Coby

    46:25 with 1.5" band, knee ups, and 18" tire.

    I knew it was a tough WOD when I saw Robert hugging the concrete.

  7. Robert

    Even concrete needs to be loved….26:55 Rx.

    Melanie: great work with the first WOD with both K2E and pullups RX!

  8. erin

    31:07 rx that was rough!!!
    This Lil man was cracking me up yesterday! He is an off-the-charts cutie!

  9. MP Jimmy

    25:19 RX!

    That was some WOD! I laid down and took a 3 hour nap this afternoon, and I do not take naps! WOW!!

    I need to start being more selective on WOD's that I make up! 🙂

    AWESOME work everyone!

  10. Amber

    Stacy says…..
    Major modifications:
    Round 1 – 50 SU's, 1 1/4" band
    Round 2 thru 4 – 1 1/4" band, 20 knee ups and 17" box jumps
    Time – 35:30

    Just in case any of my fellow Crossfitters have forgotten…EVERYTHING we do involves our abs! I am reminded of this after having 3 holes poked thru my abdominal wall!

  11. Brandy

    Ok I wanted to die yesterday in the heat fyi.

    33:15 (might be off by a min)
    -14" box jumps did 10 the first round then Erin made me do the full 20 after Round 1 because I was too fast haha!
    -20 knee ups (10 Round 1)