Wednesday, 27 October 2010


25 Pull-ups
50 Deadlifts (135/95)
50 Push-ups
50 Box Jumps (20″)
50 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood)
50 Thrusters (65/45)
25 Pull-ups

For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 08 SEP 10
9 Responses
  1. Lesley

    Jumping Pullups
    65lb Deadlift
    Knee Pushups
    35lb Thrusters
    More modifications than in Sept. Had to get to work early. Will try for less mods next time!

    Great job Boot Campers on '300'! Thanks Erin, for getting us all set up!

  2. Michel

    Major mods as I re-enter CF.
    1" band
    65 lb DL
    Knee PU
    32 lb Thrusters
    20 KBS
    Erin, you rocked! Thanks for getting us ship shape.

  3. MP Jimmy

    Sorry for the my no-show! 🙁

    I cannot go to bed at 0100 (1:00 am), not set an alarm, and expect to wake up at 0430. Not gonna happen.

    Erin did an awesome job covering down! Thank you.

  4. Robert

    Erin….nice job today! You are "135 pound clean and jerk X 30 for time" under pressure.

    21:46 Rx

    I am still wondering about my PR of 20 something. Maybe I will beat me next time.

  5. Ginny

    Did WOD with Erin but the watch stopped 🙁
    1000 meter row
    30 push press 45#
    30 box jumps
    30 kettle bells 20#
    800 meter run
    Finished 1ap behind Erin

  6. Vernice

    30 something, something!!
    1 in band PU
    95 lb dead lifts n(RX)
    35 lb kb (RX)
    knee push ups
    45 lb thrusters (RX)
    This WOD was harder than I remember

  7. Angela

    This is one of my favorite WODs! Probably because it makes me do so many of my unfavorite things.

    30:16 w/ mods and still felt every second on it! A couple of minutes slower than PR but still not my slowest for "300" so that's good.

    I'm with Michel, re-entering after a short break is pretty rough; definitely motivation to not miss more than a couple of days in a row.