Thursday, 21 October 2010

Rest Day
7 Responses
  1. Susan

    445# today's CF total (205/75/165)

    401# 06/2010 CF total (217/67/117)

    net increase of 35#

    I'm pleased yet surprised my DL 217 in June.

    I'd like to try the WOD that Michel did today.

  2. Michel

    The WOD I did today was great!
    1000 M Row
    30 PP 65 lb – I did 30
    30 Box Jumps 20"- I did 14"
    30 KBS 35lb – I did 25 lb
    Run 800 M
    My time with MODs – 17:17

    Thanks Erin!

  3. Lesley

    CF Total 324 (SP 74, DL 145, BS 105)
    Not much of an improvement from June, but did incrase DL by 35. Susan, your DL weight is impressive!

  4. MP Jimmy

    Lesley, you are crazy! "Not much improvement"! Only a 35lb PR, on 1 lift! That is great for only 5 months!

    Good job Susan, Lou, and Jaime on PR's!

  5. Jaime

    cf total 195/85/225 535 cool. 10 lb pr on dl. don't know what happened to bs and sp. those were less than my 1 rep max. fun to wod with Lou tonight.