30 Box Jumps (20″)
25 Knees to Elbows
20 Overhead Squats (65/45)
Run 400m
5 rounds for time
Post time to comments
Compare to 05 JUN 09
30 Box Jumps (20″)
25 Knees to Elbows
20 Overhead Squats (65/45)
Run 400m
5 rounds for time
Post time to comments
Compare to 05 JUN 09
Jimmy – did you get hit on the head and get amnesia? See Last Friday. 😉
So I did:
100 Thrusters (65)
run 400m each time you put down the bar until you get to 100 thrusters. Post time and total number of rounds.
Time: 37:27 Rx
8 rounds: 18-12-12-13-12-13-11-9
THANKS ERIN – GREAT WORKOUT! (brutal…but great)
100 Thrusters
7 Rounds at 30 lb
6 x 400m
Awesome WOD Erin. Thanks!
Did the thruster workout Rx weight at 95 pounds but because of a bum foot rowed 500 m instead of ran when I put the bardown.
10 rounds 39:13.
That's still Rx Robert. Rowing 500 is an even trade for 400m run. Good job not giving in to temptation on the running! Let it heal!
23:08 RX
Robert, I agree with Angie. Rowing seems even be harder than running, especially since it's the same motion with your legs as the thrusters. Brutal.
41:17 RX'ish terrible form
10 rounds of 9-11 reps
Time correction. My time was 28:03
100 thrusters 22:23
20-20-15 at 65lbs
20-25 at 45lbs