Wednesday, 22 April 2009

For time:

10 Burpees
10 Pull-ups

10 rounds

Post time to comments

20 Responses
  1. Nicole

    18:06 1″

    Congrats to Aimee who completed her first RX PLU WOD today! Awesome Awesome!!! You rock Aimee!

  2. MP Jimmy

    Congradulations Aimee!!! Proud of ya!

    I took my company through 6 rds of the WOD. My time was 8:45 RX, and theirs ranged from 9:45-15:30 none were RX. We were outside in wet grass, which also means wet PLU bars-that was interesting.

  3. Rusty

    15.35 at home on my kids monkey bars in the hot sun. It felt awesome. Great job Aimee. Great job John on your first all RX PLU WOD.