Wednesday, 19 October 2022

No 1730 class this Friday. Sorry for any inconvenience.

No class on Saturday, Oct 22nd as MPCF is hosting Festivus Games!

Come on out and support all the athletes!



Festivus Games Fall 2022 WOD 4

“Quad Killa”

With a partner, perform max calories on the Assault bike in 4:00


…rest 5:00, then…

Every minute on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete the following:

Odd: 3 Deadlifts ⇒ 2 Hang power cleans ⇒ 1 Shoulder to overhead (155/103)

Even: 8 Bar-over burpees


For completion and quality



Post results and experiences to comments

3 Responses
  1. Henry Smith

    Partnered with Justin
    130 cals on the bike. Quads were smoked after the second 30 second round.

    Justin didn’t count burpees last round. I got 16.