Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Proton Man setting new PR, 302lbs!

For Time

50 Squats
50m Sprint
50 Double Unders
50m Sprint
25 Pull-ups
50m Sprint
50 Push-ups
50m Sprint
50 Sit-ups

2 rounds

Post time to comments

13 Responses
  1. christine

    1"band PLU
    knee PU
    I kinda wonder if Jimmy gave me "a" second on this one? That's what I was shootin for so I will take it. I met his mother one time and she told me he was really kind underneath all that toughness! She is right.

  2. MP Jimmy

    17:24 RX

    That was fun! The 50m, up & down stairs, was the best! I hope everyone enjoyed it. See you all later.

    Looks like I need to have a talk with my mother! 😉

  3. Amber

    Stacy says…..
    27:13 thong band and singles
    I have to admit that my "sprints" were a little slow. I should have done double unders but I tried and they weren't working. I need to do them as homework!