Wednesday, 13 December 2017

“To lift, or not to lift? That is the question.”

There is no Open Gym this Saturday. From 1000-1230, there will be a muscle-up and handstand clinic. Cost is $20/person. Prerequisite is athlete must have Rx pull-ups and able to hold a handstand against the wall. If you have any questions, ask Coach Jimmy.  

Option 1:


With a running clock for 25 minutes:


Partner AMRAP 1:*

20 Thrusters (95/65)

30 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

20 Pull-ups


…rest 6:00-8:00, then… 

Partner AMRAP 2:


Accumulate as many calories rowed as possible in 7 minutes


…rest 15:00-17:00, then…

Partner AMRAP 3:*


8 Shoulder-2-Overhead (135/95)

12 Ring Dips

16 Box Overs (24/20″)

50 Double Unders


*Movements are equal work

For Total Score

Compare to Friday, 09 December 2016


Option 2:


Make up a missed 1-RM

Shoulder Press, Hang Power Clean, Front Squat, Clean, Deadlift, or Overhead Squat



Revolved Seated Staff – 1:30/side

Reclined Spinal Twist – 1:30/side

Lying Hip Capsule – 1:30/side

Plow – 2:00



Post scores and experiences to comments