Wednesday, 09 November 2016


Ladies of MP hitting the town in Mexico. I hope the locals were warned! 🙂



Death by Triple Threat*

Kettlebell Swings (53/35) x 3

Box Overs (24/20) x 2

Cleans (155/103) x 1


For Score

Compare to Tuesday, 16 June 2015


*With a continuous running clock, on “Go”, perform 3 KBS in the first minute, then 6 in minute two, 9 in minute 3, and so on until failure. Once failure is reached, rest one minute, and then start on the Box Jumps.

For box jumps, perform 2 on first minute, and increase by 2 each additional minute after until failure. Once failure is reached, rest one minute, and then start with Cleans.

For cleans, perform 1 in first minute, and increase by 1 each additional minute until failure.

Score is the grand total of KBS, Box Jumps, and Cleans



Barbell Shoulder Smash – 1:30/side

Anterior Compartment Smash – 1:30/side

Banded Bully – 1:30/side



Post score and experiences to comments