4 rounds
Run 400m
5 Handstand Push-ups
22 Burpees*
For Time
Post time to comments
*Do the Burppes if you are doing the Burpee Challenge,
or if you just want a little extra on the WOD
CFE WOD (3+ hours after main WOD):
Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim
Run, Row, and Swim: do 10m, every minute on the minute add 10m.
Bike: 20m, every min on the min add 20m.
Got confused about the burpees (hadn't had coffee yet) so I didn't do them during the WOD.
11:19 hspu on wall w/yoga block
5 Rounds
24" Box HSPU
And I had coffee! After the first 200 M of my 6th round I was like, "Hey, wait a minute…". Math. Bad.
Did 88 burpees after the WOD.
19:01 RX. Great job Jaime and Michel!
15:05 RX w/ Burpees
I apologize for any confusion with the Burpees.
However, you all should know by now, "Expect the Unexpected"!! 🙂
Great job, no matter how you did the WOD!
Danny and I will be doing the CFE at MP today at 1630. If any member wants to join, feel free.
Debbie did 18:59 running and 20" box.
I did 30:05 rowing, 24" box and 88 burpies. I let Vernice goad me into doing the burpies.
Thanks Vernice.
10:50 with toes on 24" box ( working on getting over the hspu fear of my head touching the floor 😉 didn't do burpees I'm still recovering ; and I really don't like burpees 😉
ps Michele ditto! Erin+Math= BAD!!!!
10.38 without burpees. Did it at home while the kids were taking a nap.
22 something (I think) and did 15 burpees each round. It sure felt good to get back to CF after watching my granddaughter all weekend.
20:15 Rx with 22 burpees each round
Melanie said…
12:28/toe hspu on 20" box/no burpees
15:34 with no burpees because I like life haha
12" box