Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Join us this Saturday, Jan 28th for a FREE drop in at 0900!

No experience needed.

Registration 2023 CrossFit Games Open HERE

2023 CrossFit Judges Course HERE



25 Shoulder-2-Overhead (95/63)

25-ft Handstand walk

25 Hang power cleans

50-ft Front rack walking lunges


…rest 5:00, then…


20 Shoulder-2-Overhead (115/78)

25-ft Handstand walk

20 Hang power cleans

50-ft Front rack walking lunges


…rest 5:00, then…


15 Shoulder-2-Overhead (135/93)

25-ft Handstand walk

15 Hang power cleans

50-ft Front rack walking lunges


For time



Post results and experiences to comments

9 Responses
  1. Brian Flynn

    23:57 substituted 2 wall walks for handstand walk
    Need to work on breathing and not holding breathe during sets.

  2. White Ape

    17:55 total time
    2:45 at 65#
    2:30 at 85#
    2:40 at 95#

    Did bear crawls all rounds. Shoulder is feeling much better!!! But still taking my time.