Tuesday, 21 September 2010


5 Deadlifts (275/185)
10 Burpees

5 rounds for time

Post time to comments

Compare to 01 May 10

CFE WOD (3+ hours before or after main WOD):

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

16 rounds of:
10 seconds on, 20 seconds off


Post total distance covered to comments
15 Responses
  1. Amber

    Stacy says……
    6:56 rx…not as good as last time so my excuse is that my hands still hurt LOL. Great job Amber!! Way to kick all of our butts!!

  2. Brandy

    95 lb
    PR 2:34

    Did this back when I first started Crossfit and my time was 10:56 with 50lb!! So proud I have a PR finally!!