Enjoyed having Angie dropping in for some WOD’s! Come back soon.
Partner WOD Tuesday
40 Burpee Box Over (20″)
2000m Row
40 Pull-ups
8 Squat Cleans (135/93)
30 Ring Dips
6 Squat Cleans (155/103)
20 Pull-ups
4 Squat Cleans (175/113)
10 Ring Dips
2 Squat Cleans (185/123)
200m Sprint x 4
40 Burpee Box Over (20″)
For Time
Revolved Seated Staff – 1:30/side
Reclined Spinal Twist – 1:30/side
Lying Hip Capsule – 1:30/side
Plow – 2:00
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