Max Reps in 10 minutes of:
1-arm Kettlebell Snatches (1.5/1 pood)*
Post max reps to comments
* Equal work with both arms. Alternate at your discretion.
CFE WOD (3+ hrs before or after main WOD):
Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim
Run: 8 x 200m, rest 3 min
Row: 8 x 250m, rest 3 min
Bike: 6 x 1200m, rest 3 min
Swim: 8 x 50m/y, rest 3 min
Post total sprint time to comments
35 per arm, RX.
180 RX
That is a 29 rep PR! Proper form helps get more reps, and not bruised forearms! Hmmmm! 🙂 200 reps, here I come.
25 lb dumbbell-123 reps. 1 pood was a little too much for one arm! Good job bootcampers on jump roping…especially Tim for doing 300 double unders!
173 – 20 lbs
143 rx
182 10 lb…next time I won't talk so much Amber..haha Good job! 🙂
95 reps–45 each arm and 5 left arm only. Rx. Very fun workout.