Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Attention all! As of Wednesday, 25 November, Saint Francis Health Zone has closed its doors for a minimum of 45 days due to rising Covid numbers. Their closing has forced MP to close. I am currently looking for a new location to continue our training! Stay tuned for the new location.

At Home Conditioning:

Bike/row 20 minutes, or run 3 miles*

For max calories

*Every 2 minutes, get off and perform (15/10) push-ups.



Handstand holds*

30 second hold, 1 minute rest


5 rounds for quality

*Skill level:

Beginner: belly to wall hold

Beg-Int: back to wall

Intermediate: slightly away from wall lightly tap one foot when needed

Int-Adv: Sideways to wall, maintaining position with one foot touching wall

Adv-Elite: Freestanding


Compare to Tuesday, 14 April 2020



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