Tuesday, 07 June 2009


50-40-30-20-10 reps of:

Double Unders (4:1 singles)

Post time to comments

Compare to 23 May 2009
8 Responses
  1. michel.murphy63

    Right on Susuan!

    Any suggestions for jump rope alternatives aside from step ups? Three months since heel fracture and in good shape but want to stay that way and ease in to WOD like this. Modified big time and focus on form over time.

    100 step ups – 12 "
    100 squats
    75 push ups
    70 sit ups unanchored

  2. Robert

    Nice work, Susan. 6:33 Rx unanchored.

    Hey, Jimmy, it is July. Doing June again will only delay your return but we will have more months of summer and I could go on my vacation again.