500m Row
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups
For Time
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Compare to 30 MAR 09 (Boot Camp V)
500m Row
40 Squats
30 Sit-ups
20 Push-ups
10 Pull-ups
For Time
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Compare to 30 MAR 09 (Boot Camp V)
Sorry for the SUPER LATE posting! All I can say is 8 days and a wake-up!!!! I will be back in Tuls on 16 Apr; but back at the gym 19 Apr. I look forward to seeing all of you!
4:18 Rx
4:15 RX with abmat, butterfly situps. Great to have Jim back!
Look forward to seeing you, Jimmy!
1 1/2 PLU
Jim – so great to see you back! And Danny and Robert, always the best way to kick off the morning. See you soon Jimmy! There's nothing like MPCF. Mel, come back soon!
5:54 or close to it..
this was my first time to do baseline with rx pu and su. pl/u with 1 1/2 band.
Thanks for getting my AbMat during your work out Coby, you are SUCH a gentleman! Debbie, I hope you got rested today. Tell those yucky auditors to leave you alone so you don't have to miss CF
Jimmy, I am looking forward to you coming back.
6:24 rx
4:59 rx abmatbfsu
5:58 thong/ab mat