Tuesday, 05 April 2016

MP CrossFit Tulsa 040516

Tire change!



Run 400m

4 round of:

4 Muscle-ups

8 GHD Sit-ups

12 Push-ups*


Run 600m


4 rounds of:

10 Kettlebell Swings (72/53)

10 Push Press (75/53)

20 Double Unders


Run 400m


For Time

*Burpees can be substituted here


Strength/Skill Work:

Snatch Jump Shrug-2-Squat Snatch

1-rep max



10 Sit-ups to Straddle

Right Side Straddle – 2:00

Left Side Straddle – 2:00

Middle Straddle – 2:00



Post time, max load, and experiences to comments