Hang Power Clean
Find 2-rep max
“WOD 3”
Row 250m
25 Snatches (75/53)
25 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
25 Overhead Squats (75/53)
25 Box Jumps (20″)
25 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (75/53)
25 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10/9′)
25 Thrusters (75/53)
Row 250m
For Time
Compare to Wednesday, 04 March 2015
Quad Smash – 1:30/side
Anterior Compartment Smash – 1:30/side
Spine Smash – 2:00
Royal Huddleston Burpee Challenge:
Day 24
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