Thursday, 25 March 2010


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Compare to 24 NOV 09
10 Responses
  1. Danny

    Melanie said…

    I did tabata row, pull ups, sit ups, and push ups. 40 seconds on and 20 seconds off. Thanks, Erin, for helping me so much!!!

  2. Danny

    275; quit after 3 RDS due to stiff back and tired legs. My form just wasn't there. After repenting, I did 100 box jumps (24"), 10 HSPU, and 20 PLU.

  3. Michel

    Yowee!! Well done guys! I am still on rest — BOOOO HHHHIIISSSSS — but hope to be back in action Monday. Keep up the awesome work and all those PRs. Love it!

  4. Amber

    WOD: Mountain Sectionals WOD One – "Row/Swing/Run"
    Three rounds for time of:
    Row 500m
    21 Kettlebell swings (32kg/20kg)
    Run 400m

    19:48 RX

  5. Vernice

    Ginny, I think you are right. Stacy ROCKED THE HOUSE! 245 is amazing. You are amazing two Susan at 205??? That is great.
    I did 175lb…

  6. Vernice

    oophs! I meant you are amazing TOO Susan. But on another thought, maybe it s/b TWO. Sometimes I think there is another Susan in there helping you lift all that weight!

    I was SPENT today! That is why I wasn't there.
    Have a great weekend everyone.