Thursday, 09 April 2009


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Compare to 26 Feb 09
13 Responses
  1. cbriggs07

    I will let you all know how the new schedule will be, as I can’t make it tomorrow 🙂

  2. Bershunda

    Thanks for the compliment Angie! You did awesome too! I am terrible at everything else so I guess everyone has to be good at one thing! 🙂

    232 – PR

  3. Sister

    Worked on my form for deadlifts and did Randy from Tuesday- 8:___ ____ Help me out Jimmy! 🙂

  4. MP Jimmy

    Sister, I have left the gym but I think your time was 8:53. That gets you first place on the female side of the “Wall of Fame”. Congrats!

    My deadlifts today-385 felt weak today, should have followed the new plan and rested!!