Saturday, 31 July 2010

Just ‘hanging’ around the gym!

Push Jerk
3 rep max

Post max load to comments

Compare to 29 SEP 09 (3rep) or 22 APR 10 (2rep)


Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

Run: 10 x 100m, 90 sec recovery
Row: 10 x 125m, 90 sec recovery
Bike: 10 x 800m, 2 min recovery
Swim: 10 x 25m/y, 1 min recovery

Post sprint time to comments

7 Responses
  1. MP Jimmy

    I did a trifecta today:

    Push Jerk 3 rep max: 205 PR!

    10 Wall Ball Shots (20)
    20 Burpees
    4 rds

    Swim CFE, with the 10 rd being a 50y
    3:42 sprint time

    Thanks Robert for doing 1 and 2 with me. #2 was Robert's creation to knockout a portion of today's Burpee Challenge Burpees!

    Good to see Richard in on a Saturday!

    Great job Lesley, Jaime, and Erin on the CFE swim WOD. Thanks Lesley for making me swim faster!

    Have a great weekend all!!

  2. Danny

    64:08 Weighted Murph. Thanks Erin, Jimmy, Robert, Lesley, Mel, and Richard for keeping me motivated. I really wanted to quit:) Thanks guys!

  3. Robert

    Many congrats today: Lesley on first Rx pull ups! Danny for first weighted Murph!

    3 rep max jerk of 155 lbs. PR!

    #2 7:42 Rx and now I am done with my burpees!

  4. Lesley

    Great workouts today! Congrats Danny on joining the Weighted Murph Club…very impressive!

    Swimming was lots of fun! Glad Jimmy started the swim already worn out…made it easier to stay close behind!
    3 rep max jerk 85 lbs, swim sprint 3:50.

  5. erin

    #1. 4:08 swim time
    # 2 15 mile bike ride 🙂
    but who's counting wods right?? ( Jimmy :-p)
    Lesly your my hero for letting borrow the bike! It's sooooo much nicer riding a road bike! Thanks again!!! Great job Danny yoir a rockstar!!!