Labor Day plans, Monday 02 September, meet at 71st and Riverside at 0900 for relays and Hooverball.
Strength WOD:
Perform the following for quality (20 minute cap):
Warm-up: 10, 8, 6 rep, gradual weight increase
5 @ 60% 1RM
5 @ 70% 1RM
5 @ 80% 1RM
Conditioning WOD:
15 Straight-leg Box Jumps* (20/16″)
125m Sprint
1 Rope Climb (18/15′)
125m Sprint
15 Kettlebell Push-ups
4 rounds for time
*Straight-leg box jumps are performed like normal box jumps except you land on top of the box with straight legs. No bend allowed.
Post DL weights used and time to comments
Compare 1-rep max DL to Wednesday, 21 August 2013