Join us today, Saturday, 29 July, at 0900 for FREE!
No fitness experience is needed!
Partner WOD
400m Farmer’s walk (2 x 50/35)
80 Squats/Plank hold
70 Pull-ups/Superman hold
60 Sit-ups/Wall sit hold
50 Burpees/Static hang
40 Ground-to-overhead (95/63)/Handstand hold
30 Deadlifts (225/153)/Hollow hold
200m Farmer’s walk (2 x 50/35)
For time
(40:00 time cap)
Compare to Wednesday, 16 November 2022
Instructions: Both partners perform the Farmer’s walks simultaneously, carrying a DB in each hand. The rep counts are team totals. Equal work is required. While one partner performs reps, the other must be actively in the appropriate hold. No reps can be performed until the hold is active. Use one bar for the two lifts. Weight must be added for the deadlifts once G2OH’s are completed.
Post results and experiences to comments
Partner: Philip 31:46
2×25 farmers
Split up squats in 20s
10-10-8-7 pull-ups used 2 3/4” bands (1 green 1 blue)
Split up sit ups 20-10
Burpees 10-5-5-5
5-5-5-5 G2OH 32 total weight went off of thruster weight
(Attempted wall walk hold, had to modify to feet up on boxes)
10-5 deadlifts 82weight
2×25 farmers