Saturday, 29 January 2011


400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood)
12 Pull-ups

3 rounds for time

Post time to comments
Compare to 02 JUL 10

CFE WOD (3+ hours before/after main WOD):

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

5 x 4 minute intervals, rest 2 minutes

Post total distance covered to comments
12 Responses
  1. Michel

    Saturday's at MP are the best!
    12:56 – 25 KBS, 1" PLU
    July – 16:00, 1 pood KBS, 1" PLU
    Worked on KBS post wod. Getting better. Congrats to all the PR's.

  2. Danny

    Melanie said…

    Row 250 meters
    25 PU
    25 SU
    6 Rds.

    23:30/Did first three rounds with Rx pu. Last three rounds with knee pu. Unanchored su for all rounds. That was a great WOD. Thanks, Jimmy, for coming up with a different WOD for me! 🙂

    Great work everyone! Saturdays are always fun!!!

  3. erin

    12:00 rx!! Yay 2 1/2 min PR!!!
    Ok sooo I'll do this one agAin in 6 weeks ( march 12) and see if the paleo gets me closer to 11 min 🙂

  4. Angela

    So thrilled to see so many CF buddies to run this morning! Great running with Susan…thanks for pulling me in at a faster-than-normal pace that last mile, and you did great! St. Pat's 5k, here we come! 🙂

    I did 7 miles in 88 minutes

  5. Stacy J

    Ran at Riverside: ran 1 mile, walked a little, ran another mile. I think it was a 9 to 9:30 min mile. My legs were sore from the box jumps! Great to see Michel at the river!

  6. MP Jimmy

    Correction on mine:

    This was a new PR for our current location! My last PR was 8:55. However, that was on an flat, indoor track; not our outdoor, non-flat current course! 🙂

    I guess incline matters! Every grade counts! 😉