Saturday, 24 June 2023

Navy SEAL Lt. Michael P. Murphy, born May 7, 1976, in Smithtown, N.Y. Murphy was killed by enemy forces during a reconnaissance mission, Operation Red Wing, June 28, 2005, while leading a four-man team tasked with finding a key Taliban leader in the mountainous terrain near Asadabad, Afghanistan. The team came under fire from a much larger enemy force with superior tactical position. Murphy knowingly left his position of cover to get a clear signal in order to communicate with his headquarters and was mortally wounded while exposing himself to enemy fire. While being shot and shot at, Murphy provided his units location and requested immediate support for his element. He returned to his cover position to continue the fight until finally succumbing to his wounds.

“Murph Day”

In honor of Lt. Murphy, MP CrossFit celebrates “Murph Day” on the Saturday closest to June 28th, the day he sacrificed it all. If you currently CrossFit at a licensed affiliate, and would like to do a drop-in, please contact us at [email protected]. All friends and family are welcome to come cheer on the participants.



MPCF Board WOD and Hero WOD


Run 1 mile

100 Pull-ups

200 Push-ups

300 Squats

Run 1 mile


For Time

Compare to Saturday, 29 June 2019

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Simply put a mile run at the beginning and the end. If you have a weighted vest (20/14), wear it.



Post result and experiences to comments

10 Responses
  1. Crystal Stine

    Partner Murph with Mindy
    Time 59:44 mod
    I did ring rows box push ups and we did the run 200m x4 each
    5 ring rows, 10 box push ups. 15 squats 20 rounds 10 each.

  2. sflynn

    56:34 Rx+ with 14# vest
    (6 PU/5 PLU/4 PU/15 SQ x20)
    This may have been the hottest and hardest WOD I’ve done. Not a PR but I’m happy I finished. Body still not quite right! My hands are swollen so that may not be great. :-/
    But still not close to the pain and suffering Michael Murphy and his team had to endure. A great time with my MP family!

  3. White Ape

    Did evey other round with ring rows, everything else Rx. Most PLU I have done in a single WOD since surgery is 50. Coach didn’t think it wise to double that, and I agreed! 🙂

    It was hot!! Strong work everyone who showed!!

  4. Michelle Milstead

    I kind of love that we were forced to rough it with no A/C for this hero WOD. It was hot, it was a mental grind, but so worth it to honor Michael P. Murphy. I also loved the turnout today and that everyone finished in great time!

    I did 20 rounds of 5 push ups, 5 pull ups, 5 push ups and 15 squats. I really thought I would beat my score from last year because I’ve gotten stronger and faster on my push ups, but I didn’t. Last year I biked instead of run and modified pull ups with the blue and red bands and finished in 53:08. I wanted to compare my scores so I did the exact modifications this year. The only difference is I had to modify my push ups this year after the first 5 rounds and finished in 57:25.

  5. Vernice

    Partnered with Kim
    I did banded PLU
    RX PU, with last few on 1 knee
    Compared to last year of 48:12