Saturday, 24 July 2010


4 x 25 y/m swim (any stroke)
7 Push-ups
14 Sit-ups
16 Squats

8 rounds for time

Post time to comments

Compare to 20 DEC 09

CFE WOD (3+ hours after main WOD):

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

6 x 3 min Interval

Rest 1 min on intervals 1, 3, and 5. Rest 3 min on Intervals 2 and 4.

Post sprint distance to comments
12 Responses
  1. Susan

    Phelps home version <38
    8 rounds:

    6 pool lengths
    7 Rx PU (all rounds Rx–thank you very much)
    14 sit ups
    16 squats

    have a great weekend!

  2. Amber

    Stacy says…….
    OK Jimmy I was going to come in to swim today….I bought aqua socks and everything! BUT I am so stinking sore from the last 2 days that I need to rest. After yesterday's WOD and this morning when I awoke reminded me that I did absolutely nothing physical for 2 weeks while I was ill and recovering. Slow progress but I am just glad to be alive and kickin!!!

  3. Jaime

    41 something…still delerious from drinking all that pool water. Did I mention that this WOD caused my life to pass before my eyes? And, yes I had a little cry into my towel when this was over.

  4. MP Jimmy

    I can tell I have not swam laps in over a year!! I was 1:29 off my PR. 🙁 Still was a great WOD! I will start doing more of the swimming version of the CFE's.


    Jaime, it was 41:12 RX!! You did great! Like me, more swimming to get better.

    Stacy, I was looking for ya! You have a viable reason; but what about your partner in crime, Amber?

    Great job 5k'ers on the PR's!!

  5. erin

    36:45 rx
    great job everyone!! Jaimie ditto u did awesome!! ( it's just like me and heavy lifting need practice 😉 the more ya do it= better u get 🙂
    Stacy : you have a jail free card
    Amber: ??????? ;-p

  6. Robert

    5K at Lafortune..great time with Danny and Chris. 22:12 PR. Then yoga…that was hard for me today…will work on flexibility

    How great was it to see all the swimmers this morning. Great job to all.

  7. Michel

    WAY TO GO JAIME AND ERIN – ON THE BOARD!!! And Susan – ANOTHER THING I GET TO CHASE YOU ON. Runners were on fire and high fives for the PRs! Have a great weekend everyone.

  8. Rhonda G

    Lou says:

    Stacy, you shamed me into going to workout on Saturday and I showed up in my purple speedo as owe me..haha!!