Saturday, 23 December 2023

The gym will be closed on Monday, 25 Dec, and Tuesday, 26 Dec.

The normal schedule resumes on Wednesday.

Merry Christmas from MP CrossFit!



“12 Days of Christmas”

1 Clean & Jerk (135/93)

2 Pistols

3 Burpees

4 Back Extensions

5 Ring Dips

6 Deadlifts (135/93)

7 Toes-2-Bar

8 Pull-ups

9 Box Jumps (30/24″)

10 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

11 Handstand Push-ups

12 Row 1200m


For Time*

Compare to Saturday, 24 December 2022


*The WOD is performed like the song is sung. Pistols are 1 each leg, each time.



Post results and experience to comments

6 Responses
  1. Michelle Milstead

    So happy to see so many MPers today!
    Did not finish. I was mentally weak today and it got the better of me.
    63# C&J
    Mod pistols (still don’t have the strength to do these)
    Red band ring dips
    Knee raises
    Red/green band plu’s
    14″ box jump (1st time doing box jumps since surgery and felt good)
    30# KB
    20″ box HSPU on knees
    Did not row
    Box HSPU and Deadlifts seem to irritate my hips.
    Hopefully next year’s 12 days of Christmas is a better one for me!

    1. sflynn

      Oh sista! I wish I had some insightful quote to make you feel better. But the truth is, injuries and surgery recovery flat sucks. Your frustrations and feelings are valid and normal for anyone who’s been through what you have! A CrossFit journey is a trail of mountains and valleys. You will prevail!
      But also, it SUCKS!
      Your MP family is here for you through thick and thin! We love you! ❤️

  2. Anniee

    Modified pistol. Opposite leg positioned behind ankle
    Blue band for ring dips
    Started with 24” box on HSPU, at the end had to go down to 20” on knees.

    Overall had fun!!

  3. sflynn

    29:48 Rx (7 second PR woohoo!)
    Wore my NoBulls lifters and that was smart because it made pistols so much easier! TTB got so hard on the last round!
    Thanks for the push Coach!
    Last two sets of RDs 3/2.

    Awesome class! Merry Christmas to my MP family! ❤️

  4. Amber Burkhart

    Modified pistols (foot on back of ankle) and HSPUs (went down to my top bun ha ). Everything else Rx
    Tried to focus on unbroken Pull-ups and T2B – only broke up one set of pull-ups, broke 2 sets of TTB

    First time doing this one at MP, it was fun!

  5. White Ape

    29:17 RX
    This is the first time I have done this one at our current location due to injuries the past 2 years.
    This is a “PR” for this location. Comparing it to the HZ would be tough bc of the travel distance between stations. But I will be faster next year!

    Strong work to all that came! We had a great class, with a few drop-in guests!

    Merry Christmas to everyone!!!