Saturday, 22 January 2011

Erin trying to imitate Darth Vader! 🙂


For Time

Bear Crawl 100 feet
Broad Jumps 100 feet*

*Do 3 Burpees after every 5 Broad Jumps.
If you have a 20 vest or body armor, wear it.

5 rounds

Post time to comments
(WOD courtesy of

CFE WOD (3+ hours before/after main WOD):

Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

1 minute on, 3 minute rest x 5

Post total sprint distance to comments

15 Responses
  1. Amber

    15:48 first time with a vest. Thank you Robert for letting me use yours. Great to see everyone this morning. Happy Birthday Jimmy!

  2. Brandy

    18:20 rx!! Love being able to put that down again! Had fun and got my first big girl rip! No ceiling tiles fell today! 🙂

    Happy birthday Jimmy!

  3. Michel

    Great WOD, awesome company, and Happy Birthday Jimmy! 16:12 RX after mind warp on the rounds. High five everyone!

  4. Susan

    Erin, Erin, are you alright??

    Happy Birthday, Jimmy!!

    I missed out on all fun while working at Tatermash Oilcloth.
    See you Monday!

  5. Angela

    If I could only be in 2 places at once; Happy Birthday, Jimmy! I really hated missing the party ((and the WOD)).

  6. MP Jimmy

    Thank you everyone for the wonderful birthday! I cherish each one of you; yes, even you Erin! 😉 I look forward to another year helping each of you achieve your goals.

    Today's WOD: 8:48 RX w/vest

    That was interesting. Surprisingly tough.