Saturday, 17 December 2016

We will be running this in heats. If you have not signed up, there will be open spots as we go. First heat starts at 0900. MP will be open at 0830.


2017 Fittest in the OK online qualifier 5.3A/B


5.3A – 2:00 cap

5 Clean & Jerk Singles


For Heaviest Loads*


…Rest 2:00, then…



5.3B – 18:00 AMRAP

50 Box Jump Overs (24/20″)

50 Wall-Ball Shots (20/14) @ (10′)

50 Shoulder-to-Overhead (95/63)

50 Toes-to-Bar

50 Double Unders


For Score

*5.3A score value is the 5 heaviest lifts successfully completed in the 2:00. An athlete can do exactly 5; or the can do as many as they wish, but can only post the weights of the 5 heaviest. Athlete can add or subtract weight throughout the 2:00.

5.3B score is simply the total number of reps successfully completed in the 18:00.



Post scores and experiences to comments