Saturday, 15 January 2011


50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of:

Double Unders

For Time

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Compare to 03 DEC 10 or 16 OCT 10


Choose a sport:
Run, Row, Bike, Swim

Run: 3 x (200m+400m+600m)
Row: 3 x (250m+500m+750m)
Bike: 3 x (1/2 mile+1 mile+2 mile)
Swim: 3 x (50m+100m+200m)

Rest between each distance the same amount of time it took you to do that given distance. I.E., run 200m in 35 sec, rest 35 sec; run 400 in 80 sec, rest 80 sec; run 600m in 120 sec, rest 120 rest; run 200m, etc.

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12 Responses
  1. Susan

    Annie 9.10 singles PR

    Crazy Saturday crew…what stunt will you think of next?

    I'm going to attend more Saturday workouts. It was fun.

  2. Brandy

    My wod didn't happen!! Thanks to Jimmy throwing ceiling tiles at me!! Thanks everyone for making sure I was okay!

  3. MP Jimmy

    Sorry Brandy! 🙁

    Annie – 5:11 RX, not a PR

    Congratz to Susan, Robert, Danny, Jaime, and Chris on Annie PR's!

    Saturday's are fun! Join us more often Susan. 🙂

  4. Danny

    Annie-6:55, PR by 15 seconds
    5K at LaFortune- 23:30, PR by 10 seconds
    Erin, Jamie, and Amber are so close on the muscle ups! Saturdays are a lot of fun.

  5. Michel

    So bummed I missed today!! Was Annie 3:1 or 4:1 for DU? The flood drama continues and walls are coming down-its a war zone and hope to get a run in today. Missed you guys as Saturdays rock at MP. Congratz to all the PRs!

  6. Jaime

    7:15 rx annie 18 second pr. Muscle-ups so close I can taste it. Sore shoulders and mystery bruises today.
    Always fun 3-ring circus Saturday workouts

  7. Lesley

    Love the burpee picture! 'Karen' from Monday, 15:16, Rx. Fun working out with everyone! Congrats on the Annie PR's!