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Partner WOD
Part 1:
With a 12-minute cap:
2ooom Blind row*
20 Synchronized burpees-over-bar
20 Synchronized toes-2-bar
…rest 2:00, then…
Part 2:
With a 6:00 cap:
5-10-15 rep rounds†of:
Thrusters (95/65)
…rest 2:00, then…
Part 3:
5:00 to find 1-RM hang squat clean
…rest 2:00, then…
Part 4:
With a 9:00 cap:
2 x 200m Sprints
100 Speed skips
50 Dumbbell snatches (50/35)
2 x 150m Sprints
50 Double unders
30 Dumbbell snatches
…rest 2:00, then…
Part 5:
10-8-6-4 rep rounds of:
Partner deadlift (315/265/215)
Bar muscle-ups
For time
Equal work required. One at a time working, except during synchro and hang squat cleans.
*Partners switch every 250m. Partners can only cay “switch” when the rowing partner reaches their given distance.
†Perform this section as “follow the leader”. Partner A does 5 Pull-ups, B does 5 Pull-ups. A does 5 thrusters, and B 5 thrusters. A does 10 thrusters, B does 10 thrusters, and so on.