Saturday, 05 February 2011

Look close, and you will see the top of a dog house that is 3 ft tall!

At Home WOD 4

30 Jumping Squats*
30 Handstand Push-ups
30 Jumping Squats

For Time

Post time to comments

*Jumping squats are performed by simply doing a full range squat; but from the bottom, you explode up and fully leave the ground with both feet. Do not forget to open hips at the top of the jump.

6 Responses
  1. MP Jimmy

    MP CrossFit will be closed tomorrow due to the continued weather conditions and unsafe road conditions.

    The gym will be open Monday for regular hours.

    Be safe and have fun in the snow.

    If you have any questions, comments, or concerns; please contact me via email or cell.

  2. Jaime

    OK. Decided to do yesterday's home WOD since I did 100 jumping squats yesterday. Thanks for keeping us going at home, Jimmy. Hope to be able to come on Monday.
    10:18 Rx on yesterday's WOD

  3. Angela

    I finally shoveled snow…for about 80 minutes! If I'm feeling restless later, I'll do the WOD, too; however, shoveling snow is a pretty good workout.

  4. MP Jimmy

    I shoveled snow for the 3rd day in a row! Finally was able to do MY driveway!! I only shoveled for 60-70 min; but we, my family, went sleding for score!

    I found an AWESOME hill! A hill so awesome that it will get used in the spring/summer for a Saturday WOD!! My legs were toast after 5 runs, so I only did 6 more! 🙂

    See you all Monday!