Saturday, 02 July 2022

Join MP to celebrate our Independence Day with a FREE WOD on Monday, July 4, 2022 at 0930!!  This is the only class time.

Family and friends are welcome to join or cheer you on!



“More Kettlebells Please”

30/24 Cal row

30 Double kettlebell deadlifts (2x 70/53)

30/24 Cal bike

30 Alternating kettlebell snatches (53/35)

Run 600m

30 Kettlebell swings (53/35)

30/24 Cal ski

30′ Overhead kettlebell lunges* (53/35)


2 Rounds for time

(40:00 cap)

*30′ with right arm overhead, then 30′ with left arm overhead

Compare to Saturday, 25 September 2021



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