Saturday, 01 August 2020

General Warm-up:

2 rounds* of:

Bike 1:00

6 Spiders

6 Push-ups

Row 1:00

8 Sit-ups

8 Squats

Ski 1:00

6 Ring rows

6 SP w/T’s

Run 200m

*On round 2, increase the intensity of the bike, row, ski, and run.


Specific Warm-up:

5 SDHP (25% body weight)

5 Thrusters

5 Hang Pwr Snatch

4 SDHP (40% body weight)

4 Thrusters

4 Hang Pwr Snatch

3 SDHP (WOD weight)

3 Thrusters

3 Hang Pwr Snatch



Row 500m

15 Sumo deadlift high-pull*

Run 400m

15 Thrusters*

Row 500m

15 Hang power snatch*

Run 400m

15 Bar-over-burpees


2 rounds for time

*Use the same load for all lifts… 50% body weight

Compare to Saturday, 10 August 2019



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