A little Saturday post-WOD fun.
Snatch Positions @ 45%
3-3-3 @ 2″ Drop
3-3-3 @ 4″
3-3-3 @ 6″
3-3-3 @ Full SQ
For Quality
“Fun With Fran”
15 Thrusters + 15 Pull-Ups + 15 Thrusters
Rest until clock says 5:00*
12 Thrusters + 12 Pull-Ups + 12 Thrusters
Rest until clock says 10:00*
9 Thrusters + 9 Pull-Ups + 9 Thrusters
For Time
RX (65/43)
Masters (45/30)
*Progress through each cycle to get as many reps as possible in 3:00 up to the prescribed number per round. Then, rest 2 minutes before beginning the second set. Repeat this process for the set of 12’s.
Lateral Opener – 2:00/side
Single Leg Flexion – 2:00/leg
T-Spine Smash – 2:00
Post weight used, times, and experiences to comments