Monday, 26 April 2010



Thrusters (95/65)

For Time

Post time to comments

Compare to 17 SEP 09
12 Responses
  1. MP Jimmy

    4:08 RX

    Thanks Danny and Robert for the motivation! You all did AWESOME stting your PR's!!

    Good to have Lisette, Michele, and Coby at 0630. I guess folks were SCARED of sweet, little ol' Fran this am. 🙂

    See everyone tomorrow. If you missed, and want to make up; Erin will have a 1630 and 1730 class tonight.

  2. Michel

    Whoo hoo – that was awesome! Thanks Jimmy, Coby and Lisette for a great Monday WOD.
    35 lbs
    1 1/2 " band

  3. Susan

    FRAN showed me that she is still in charge.

    15:08 (includes time to change the weights)

    21-65# thrusters
    15-55# thrusters
    9-55# thrusters

    1 1/2" bands

    My arms are still shaking and it's 45 minutes since the workout.

    Thanks, Erin, for the push…

    See you at 0630

  4. Vernice

    Me afraid of Fran??? I don't think so.
    I was actually at the HZ doing a wienie work out on the elipitcal… This tooth has been giving me fits but I had my 1st appt this afternoon. Will probably be there in the morning. I missed everyone.

  5. erin

    7:42 rx!!!! YAY 10 second improvement of my last pr!!! I just high fived myself! I need beer and a wing 🙂 now I just need to stop the Fran cough and the Fran shakes :-p

  6. Robert

    Awesome work there Erin! Well done to all. Great to see a sub-5 Fran, Jimmy.

    6:57 Rx

    PR by 40 seconds.