Monday, 24 April 2023

Join us this Saturday, 29 April, for a FREE class at 0900!

No fitness experience needed.



800m Run

10 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

80 Squats


3 rounds for time*

*If you have a vest (20/14), wear it.



Post results and experiences to comments

9 Responses
  1. Brian Flynn

    At home w/30# vest
    Little sore from festivus.
    800m avg 5:01
    C2B unbroken but need to work on connecting them.
    Need to work on faster cycles of squats.

  2. Amber Burkhart

    Squats were fast, run was slower and slower
    Run: 4:41, 6:10, 6:30
    C2B & squats: 3:04, 3:25, 3:33

  3. Anniee

    runs were good- didn’t time. time each one next time.
    Struggled w/ C2B. Once I figured out I need to pull harder I was able to get a few.
    Squats could have been faster. but ya know.