.Join us this Friday, December 23rd for a FREE trial day!
No fitness experience needed. We can modify everything!
Gym closed Monday, December 26th. Merry Christmas!
Partner WOD*
1:00 Max d-ball cleans (100/70)
1:oo Rest
1:00 Max kettlebell deadlifts (72/53)
1:oo Rest
1:00 Max ski for calories
1:oo Rest
2 Rounds for total score
*Each partner does 30 seconds of max reps each movement
Every two minutes on the minute, complete
1 Deadlift*
For heaviest load
*Athlete starts with 40% of their 1-rep max deadlift, for first 5 sets, add 10%.
After 80%, add 5% every two minutes until failure.
Post results and experiences to comments
Partnered with Debbie.
80 reps.
Kim and Debbie 80 for first half
Set PR of 125 on deadlift
Thanks to Jimmy for the coaching!
50# and 45#
DL PR 266#
Partner with Anniee got 140 reps
Then got a beautiful 29# deadlift PR @ 305#